1. How to find a headhunter










レジュメをアップデート 他の候補者との違いを見せるため新しい成果があれば書き足しておく!

仕事に関連したプロジェクトを紹介するのも良い! 例)ブログや写真、ボランティア経験など












1. 時間を守る。ーいやこれが1番に来ることがアメリカって感じだよねええええ。

2. 質問の準備。ーその会社の考える仕事のプランによるが、会社がどんなスキルや特長を候補者に求めているか、なぜこの特定のポジションが求められているのかを把握しておく。

3. 回答の準備。ー大体どこでも聞かれるスタンダードな質問の他に特別な質問や前の仕事での経験があればそれも交えて話すと良い?

4. 正直にとリラックスして。ー自然体で話せるように


What is a Headhunter??

specialize in finding the best hires for a particular job plus, urgently.

A recruiter is a headhunter who only works for one employer.


limited time and are looking for candidates with very clear sets of skills.

large network. 


Recruiter... constantly scout for local talent to discover the best potential employees for the positions the company needs to fill, but unlike headhunters, they will identify themselves as employees of that respective company.


Preparing to meet a headhunter

Updating your resume. Add the new accomplishment to make a difference.

could be work-related, but also side project. ex)blog, online photo gallery or a volunteer experiences. 

Sns account, too. Private persona might affect your professional image. 

Create professional public image!!!


Reaching out to the right headhunters

To identify the agencies that can help get you the job you’re seeking.

To investigate the levels at which they place most of their candidates.

ex) full-time or part-time, temporary or permanent, entry-, middle- or executive-level positions

Ex) specialize in a different job level or industry than the one you’re seeking.


Industry < Profession < Area < 

email, social media message気軽に使っておけい🙆‍♀️ 急ぎなら電話でも!

Resume => expose you to many new job opportunities without you needing to actively search.


Emphasizing your positive qualities to the recruiter or headhunter will increase your chances of them being passed on to potential employers.


How's will a headhunter help you?

Recruiters...connecting the right people with the right jobs.

receive personalized advice and the coaching you need to feel confident


How to impress a headhunter before and during the interview?

1. Be on time

2. Know what to ask - depends on the job plan, what traits and skills they’re expecting from their candidates, why that particular position is available and the exact nature of the job. 

3. Have your answers ready - +specific questions, if you have previous work experiences or interest in the open position, long-term success.

4. Be honest and leraxed




Indeed Editorial Team. 2021. How To Find a Headhunter. Retrieved from https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/interviewing/how-to-impress-a-headhunter